Kuwara Bhimsen at Nagpur

Kunwara bhimsen is a small village in the Ramtek tahsil, 28.969 km. (18 miles) north of Nagpur on the bank of the river Pench.

A hill by the village contains the remains of an old fort, its summit being encircled with walls made of ponderous masses of rock. The lines of defence over the pathway leading up the hillside are constructed with some skill and are attributed by the people to the Gavalis, There is a temple dedicated to Bhimsen. Nearby there is a well, which is 3.048 metres (10 ft.) deep and 3.048 metres (10 ft.) wide. Though the well is so shallow, surprisingly enough it does not dry up.

On the 5th day of the Krishna Paksha of Chaitra, a fair is held which is attended by about 5,000 pilgrims among whom Gonds and Adivasis figure prominently. On the occasion a large number of rams or sheep and hens and cocks are sacrificed to the God. At the time of the fair a big festive market is held where toys, brass and copper wares, earrings and other ornaments and sweetmeats are sold. The turnover amounts to Rs. 20,000. The sellers are expected to contribute something towards the fund collected to meet the expenditure of the fair.


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